1 月 9, 2020 | Insight, WM:Intelligence
香港動蕩前所未有,社會危機處處,營銷界亦是心驚膽顫。 最近有位客戶於微信公眾號發聲明,內容富爭議,激起千層浪:兩日內近2千名用戶取消追蹤。如此一聽,豈不是公關災難。 前台起火,我們在後台來救。 客戶半年前訂閱WeMine 分析平台...
10 月 1, 2018 | Insight, WM:Intelligence
With over 1 billion monthly active users, WeChat is China’s number one social media app and the go-to digital platform for businesses to engage with Chinese customers. Some call it a super-app – other than a messaging application, WeChat serves a myriad of...